Cranial osteopathy is a specialist branch of osteopathy which uses a highly developed sense of touch to aid in treating the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. The practitioner lays their hands or fingertips on the person being treated and uses pallpation and very subtle movements to effect changes in the body.
Unlike structural osteopathy which uses techniques such as manipulation and mobilisation – moving parts of the body more overtly and obviously – the technique of cranial osteopathy is to lay hands on the patient and make extremely small movements with the fingertips. These movements may at times feel almost imperceptible.
Cranial osteopathy is an extremely gentle and holistic therapy which aims to treat the underlying causes of problems through rebalancing the nervous system. Its nature makes it a very popular treatment for babies who are unsettled or regularly upset.
Despite the name, cranial osteopathy does not deal exclusively with the head. Cranial osteopaths use touch to treat various parts of the body, using their technique on the back, diaphragm or anywhere else. Cranial osteopaths also do not manipulate the bones of the head, which are fused at birth.
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